its fucking getting on my nerves
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
"everytings gon' to be irate" -kyle
I'm getting bored of people being so insanely not genuine and weird.
I'm not really horrible to people that I really don't like, because I don't want to start a fight or something that wont matter tomorrow... (thats not to say I'm not a little rude sometimes)
People make things into a big deal when really they don't and shouldn't matter.
oh, people!
people are the funniest things on this earth.
Through experiences I've learned not to give someone everything I want to give them (trust, love, whatever it is)
I hold myself back now. It isnt a big deal. there are so many people who don't deserve my trust and my love, because when I love, I love with all of my heart, its never a sortof thing.
If I love you honestly and truly, I won't let you down and I won't let you get hurt.
there are so many people who don't deserve that type of love becuase they could never return it, and those are the people I feel sorry for.
you deserve to get the same type of love that you give.
But I'm done being treated like shit
this is not a cry for help, I feel amazing.
I really don't care, you only need to know one think about me, I dont need you.
here is something to tell you a little bit about myself
Why aren't you dating the person you like?
where i live its socially unacceptable to date lizards
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
mutual stalkers. i know it doesnt make much sense that two people stalk each other but it sure makes life interesting. youd have no idea the number of staring contests weve had from across rooms or hallways
How did you and your number 1 become friends?
i had a parachute, she didnt
What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee?
i dont think that i like the idea of Deer-like animals who act like movie stars making coffee
What is the last piercing you got?
i just got my fingernail done
How do you feel about smoking?
Are you a jealous person?
im not very jealous of dead people because im more alive then they will ever hope to be
Last time you felt bad about something?
Is there any drug you take everyday?
i feel like drug implies that it is bad, but i would prefer no body judge the fact that i inject jello into my bloodstream
How did you and your number 2 become friends?
Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
i rip the paper off everything. i leave a trail of paper behind me because ijust rip it off everything.
If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
i would think to myself "holy fucking christ, if i am going so slow that the speed of this alligator is a threat to me, i need to seriously consider running faster"
Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
i can imagine myself living in all types of boxes
Is someone on your mind right now?
no, and im glad because ive had someone sit on my head before and i didnt enjoy it.
Would you ever change for a boy/girl?
if they were alllergic to the material i was wearing
Are your parents over the age of 40?
my parents are 5 years old
Do you like hugs?
it stings when people touch me
Are you scared of bugs?
usually if they exceed a height of 4 feet i begin to feel uneasy
Are you a cuddler?
I'm not sure but it sounds sinister
Do you read?
in my religion, reading is not allowed, so if i see a sign coming or anything, i look away. i CAN read, i just dont.
Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
i sleep with a live bear
Why aren't you dating the person you like?
where i live its socially unacceptable to date lizards
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
mutual stalkers. i know it doesnt make much sense that two people stalk each other but it sure makes life interesting. youd have no idea the number of staring contests weve had from across rooms or hallways
How did you and your number 1 become friends?
i had a parachute, she didnt
What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee?
i dont think that i like the idea of Deer-like animals who act like movie stars making coffee
What is the last piercing you got?
i just got my fingernail done
How do you feel about smoking?
depends on what is smoking
my house: no
my dad's friend with a ponytail: YES!
Are you a jealous person?
im not very jealous of dead people because im more alive then they will ever hope to be
Last time you felt bad about something?
Is there any drug you take everyday?
i feel like drug implies that it is bad, but i would prefer no body judge the fact that i inject jello into my bloodstream
How did you and your number 2 become friends?
there was only one immunity idol left, and two of us.
Did you ever lose a friend?
yeah, but you cant really blame me, i mean, IKEA is a really big store.
What are you doing right now?
running down a volcano with lava on my tail, just thought id fill this out while i was running cause i was kinda bored.
Do you have any tattoos?
i have the words "until death do us fart" on my left butt cheek.
Do you drink water?
i pretty much stick to gasoline and giraffes blood
When is the last time you saw number 1 on your top friends?
as she stared up from the bottom of the freshly dug grave and i was slowly shoveling dirt over her head...
What was the last thing you cried about?
the lack of polar bears in my bed
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
see through... think about it...
Favorite type of Food?
Did you ever lose a friend?
yeah, but you cant really blame me, i mean, IKEA is a really big store.
What are you doing right now?
running down a volcano with lava on my tail, just thought id fill this out while i was running cause i was kinda bored.
Do you have any tattoos?
i have the words "until death do us fart" on my left butt cheek.
Do you drink water?
i pretty much stick to gasoline and giraffes blood
When is the last time you saw number 1 on your top friends?
as she stared up from the bottom of the freshly dug grave and i was slowly shoveling dirt over her head...
What was the last thing you cried about?
the lack of polar bears in my bed
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
see through... think about it...
Favorite type of Food?
Do you drink?
if i can avoid liquids entirely I will. I am a smelly individual.
Favorite Month?
Have you ever fired a gun?
yeah but it was straight into the head of 50 cent, i dont like to talk about it
How many pillows do you sleep with?
im pretty monogamist with my pillows. i once heard of this tramp named cindy, i kid you not, she slept with 8 pillows at once.
When will you kiss the last person you kissed?
when my lips touch theirs.
Do you find piercings attractive?
if i am wearing a magnet suit, then yes.
Who was the last person you sat next to?
martin luther king JR.
Do you smile often?
not since... the accident.
Do you drink?
if i can avoid liquids entirely I will. I am a smelly individual.
Favorite Month?
Have you ever fired a gun?
yeah but it was straight into the head of 50 cent, i dont like to talk about it
How many pillows do you sleep with?
im pretty monogamist with my pillows. i once heard of this tramp named cindy, i kid you not, she slept with 8 pillows at once.
When will you kiss the last person you kissed?
when my lips touch theirs.
Do you find piercings attractive?
if i am wearing a magnet suit, then yes.
Who was the last person you sat next to?
martin luther king JR.
Do you smile often?
not since... the accident.
Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
i rip the paper off everything. i leave a trail of paper behind me because ijust rip it off everything.
If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
i would think to myself "holy fucking christ, if i am going so slow that the speed of this alligator is a threat to me, i need to seriously consider running faster"
Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
i can imagine myself living in all types of boxes
Is someone on your mind right now?
no, and im glad because ive had someone sit on my head before and i didnt enjoy it.
Would you ever change for a boy/girl?
if they were alllergic to the material i was wearing
Are your parents over the age of 40?
my parents are 5 years old
Do you like hugs?
it stings when people touch me
Would you rather trade lives with a famous person?
would i rather trade lives with a famous person or.... what?
would i rather trade lives with a famous person or.... what?
Are you scared of bugs?
usually if they exceed a height of 4 feet i begin to feel uneasy
Are you a cuddler?
I'm not sure but it sounds sinister
Do you read?
in my religion, reading is not allowed, so if i see a sign coming or anything, i look away. i CAN read, i just dont.
Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
i sleep with a live bear
Have you ever moved?
its funny actually, i have never moved a muscle in my body for as long as i have been alive, its really impressive.
What makes you mad?
people with no eyeballs
its funny actually, i have never moved a muscle in my body for as long as i have been alive, its really impressive.
What makes you mad?
people with no eyeballs
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I'm a Decemberist
I sure am!
nothing like warm feelings and hugs and theatrical games and dreadlocks and advent calenders and dumb ole' history group things to get one in the decembery mood.
Guess I will start off by saying that one day I swear I will look just like this magnificent woman

golly gosh bombhead, do my hairs!
While I'm being a Decemberist, I'm listening to the Decemberists. Try the song "sons and daughters" or "o, valencia" or "sixteen military wives"

thats me with muh little mini dread .... type... thing... with a bead! give it up for the bead.
check out this man i've been drawing lately... i think his name is curtis.

THATS the surprise ending.
im just a jolly little gopher

(this is what comes up when you type jolly little gopher on google)
also im really not sure i would feel very comfortable playing this with strangers, who knows what those new found friends might stick in feely meely for me to feely meely upon.
i know about 50 freshman who would giggle at the sight of old feely meely.
anyone out there read benito cereno by herman melville? shits risdiculous.
also i am pretty much down with halo 3.
give it up for the nerdcore
okay its bathtime, then study time.
this is easier for me than video blogs, maybe i will just take what i put here and throw it in a video, who knows.
out out out out
nothing like warm feelings and hugs and theatrical games and dreadlocks and advent calenders and dumb ole' history group things to get one in the decembery mood.
Guess I will start off by saying that one day I swear I will look just like this magnificent woman

golly gosh bombhead, do my hairs!
While I'm being a Decemberist, I'm listening to the Decemberists. Try the song "sons and daughters" or "o, valencia" or "sixteen military wives"
thats me with muh little mini dread .... type... thing... with a bead! give it up for the bead.
check out this man i've been drawing lately... i think his name is curtis.
THATS the surprise ending.
im just a jolly little gopher

(this is what comes up when you type jolly little gopher on google)
also im really not sure i would feel very comfortable playing this with strangers, who knows what those new found friends might stick in feely meely for me to feely meely upon.
i know about 50 freshman who would giggle at the sight of old feely meely.
anyone out there read benito cereno by herman melville? shits risdiculous.
also i am pretty much down with halo 3.
give it up for the nerdcore
okay its bathtime, then study time.
this is easier for me than video blogs, maybe i will just take what i put here and throw it in a video, who knows.
out out out out
Thursday, November 27, 2008
They're there to help you, provide for you, keep you safe.
Parent: noun: mother or father.
Now I don't know about you, but that is one of the broadest descriptions I've ever heard. I always thought a parent was supposed to take care of you and be there for you, and that was the definition of a good parent.
Now I've come to the realization that in order to be a good parent, by definition, all you have to do is make the baby. You could leave it on the hospital steps on the way out, and you're still it's parents.
I'm not really sure what the point is. I've always gotten a lot of shit when I said i didn't like my parents, or said they were bad parents. People take a look around my room, at my iphone, my computer, my fucking canon rebel and they think to themselves that I'm spoiled and my parents give me everything I want. They're wrong.
I don't want all of this.
I want support. I want them to realize that what they do affects me. I want to go back in time, I want the nurse that handed the baby to my mom and dad to say,
"hey, don't leave her to raise herself. Just be there"
this is stupid because I hate when people post blogs talking about shit in their life and announcing to the world. Maybe I'm just ungrateful. Maybe I'm just fucking sad.
Who do I blame for it?
I guess I'm just hostile because of the absence and the yelling and all the dumb shit parents do.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I appreciate my parents. I honestly do.
They've given me everything I have, but it doesn't mean I have to like them.
You always see in movies that girl whose parents give her everything and she's all spoiled and a bitch and what not.
Maybe her parents just are never there.
Maybe they want to make up for the fact that they treat her like an adult.
Maybe she wasn't ready to be treated like an adult.
For god sake, I wasn't ready to be treated like an adult...
I'm only 17.
You can't just leave me alone with money and food and the neccesities and expect everything to be okay. Especially from when I was only in kindergarten.
No memories, I have no memories.
I want to be treated like a 5 year old by someone.
I want someone to take me in their arms and realize that I'm not old enough to go through all of this on my own.
I want you all to know that I realize I'm one of the billions of children that feel this way too.
I don't think I'm worse off,
we all got fucked.
Parent: noun: mother or father.
Now I don't know about you, but that is one of the broadest descriptions I've ever heard. I always thought a parent was supposed to take care of you and be there for you, and that was the definition of a good parent.
Now I've come to the realization that in order to be a good parent, by definition, all you have to do is make the baby. You could leave it on the hospital steps on the way out, and you're still it's parents.
I'm not really sure what the point is. I've always gotten a lot of shit when I said i didn't like my parents, or said they were bad parents. People take a look around my room, at my iphone, my computer, my fucking canon rebel and they think to themselves that I'm spoiled and my parents give me everything I want. They're wrong.
I don't want all of this.
I want support. I want them to realize that what they do affects me. I want to go back in time, I want the nurse that handed the baby to my mom and dad to say,
"hey, don't leave her to raise herself. Just be there"
this is stupid because I hate when people post blogs talking about shit in their life and announcing to the world. Maybe I'm just ungrateful. Maybe I'm just fucking sad.
Who do I blame for it?
I guess I'm just hostile because of the absence and the yelling and all the dumb shit parents do.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I appreciate my parents. I honestly do.
They've given me everything I have, but it doesn't mean I have to like them.
You always see in movies that girl whose parents give her everything and she's all spoiled and a bitch and what not.
Maybe her parents just are never there.
Maybe they want to make up for the fact that they treat her like an adult.
Maybe she wasn't ready to be treated like an adult.
For god sake, I wasn't ready to be treated like an adult...
I'm only 17.
You can't just leave me alone with money and food and the neccesities and expect everything to be okay. Especially from when I was only in kindergarten.
No memories, I have no memories.
I want to be treated like a 5 year old by someone.
I want someone to take me in their arms and realize that I'm not old enough to go through all of this on my own.
I want you all to know that I realize I'm one of the billions of children that feel this way too.
I don't think I'm worse off,
we all got fucked.
Monday, November 24, 2008
for me
It sorta feels like half of me just decided that it didnt like the other half.
so it got up and walked off...
now im half of what i used to be...
but wait, what if that was the bad half?
what if that was the half that always brought me down?
so it got up and walked off...
now im half of what i used to be...
but wait, what if that was the bad half?
what if that was the half that always brought me down?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
my dream
last night i dreamt that i was babysitting a little kid in my room when all the sudden my dad bursted in.
he started ripping shit off my walls and yelling about it, like he was mad about what was on my walls and stuff.
then he went onto my computer and started opening all my writing files up and changing them and deleting them. i was basically hysterical freaking out so i ran to the kitchen to tell my sister and mom but they both were laughing. everyone i told just laughed (except for one person who understood).
it sucked
he started ripping shit off my walls and yelling about it, like he was mad about what was on my walls and stuff.
then he went onto my computer and started opening all my writing files up and changing them and deleting them. i was basically hysterical freaking out so i ran to the kitchen to tell my sister and mom but they both were laughing. everyone i told just laughed (except for one person who understood).
it sucked
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Not so real
The reason I hate myspace so much is because it allows people to be anything they want. They can talk like any stereotype they want (emo, gangster, hippie), and have people believe that it is who they are. People are fake on the internet and everyone thinks that people are something they arent. i do not want people to think im some quiet shy artsy fuck and then meet me and realize that I'm loud and completely different than they thought. People talk to me and sound completely different than they do in real life, even if its an accident.
i hate that everyone is so fake and they want to give false images of themselves to people all over.
justbe who you are and admit when youre faking it.
i hate that everyone is so fake and they want to give false images of themselves to people all over.
justbe who you are and admit when youre faking it.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
a benevolent monster
I've got my new blog up and running
click here to seeeee. benevolent monster
yep. im liking it. its like poetry and things. yesth
it is more artsy and stuff
click here to seeeee. benevolent monster
yep. im liking it. its like poetry and things. yesth
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
but really
theres no reason that i should trust anybody anymore
majority of people dont even deserve to be told what i feel
not to say im better than them, cause im sure im unworthy of being trust
i just dont know what im doing
majority of people dont even deserve to be told what i feel
not to say im better than them, cause im sure im unworthy of being trust
i just dont know what im doing
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
arielrosesays (10:07:40 PM): my mom wont stop reading me hamster fucking facts
arielrosesays (10:07:49 PM): and how wild hamsters collect their food
PigeonboyK (10:08:27 PM): I thought she was reading them because he was lost, and trying to like comfort you or something
arielrosesays (10:08:58 PM): thats like
arielrosesays (10:09:01 PM): if my dad died
arielrosesays (10:09:08 PM): and my mom read me facts about him to comfort me
PigeonboyK (10:09:13 PM): ahahaha
PigeonboyK (10:09:17 PM): jesus
PigeonboyK (10:10:01 PM): your father was a wonderous lover, ariel. he also won the spelling bee in second grade.
*this conversation was edited for blogging purposes but no words were moved around to make a different meaning, ccuase why the fuck would i do that?
this is a shoutout to all those insensitive humor folks
arielrosesays (10:07:49 PM): and how wild hamsters collect their food
PigeonboyK (10:08:27 PM): I thought she was reading them because he was lost, and trying to like comfort you or something
arielrosesays (10:08:58 PM): thats like
arielrosesays (10:09:01 PM): if my dad died
arielrosesays (10:09:08 PM): and my mom read me facts about him to comfort me
PigeonboyK (10:09:13 PM): ahahaha
PigeonboyK (10:09:17 PM): jesus
PigeonboyK (10:10:01 PM): your father was a wonderous lover, ariel. he also won the spelling bee in second grade.
*this conversation was edited for blogging purposes but no words were moved around to make a different meaning, ccuase why the fuck would i do that?
this is a shoutout to all those insensitive humor folks
Sunday, September 28, 2008
fuck !
i'd like to stop hearing voices and stuff that would be cool becuase then i can live my life without wanting to hide
dear hair,
grow faster!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
winter is coming
all sounds point to this
the minty air
all sights point to this
my follicles pushing to grow out my hair
an extra warm girl
wrapped up in a sleeve
with an extra warm boy
who wont ever leave
all things point to this
i do believe
the geese in the background
of the very stripped trees
winter is coming
everyone sees
for as it comes
for me it frees
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
hello, cruel world!
arielrosesays: today i was talking to jak cause he was taking his online drivers ed course
arielrosesays: and theres this videoarielrosesays: and the video showed like a guy driving really fast with his GF and then he crashes and kills some people
PigeonboyK: she must have been so impressed
arielrosesays: and i was laughing really hard cause i imagined someone saying that out of context
arielrosesays: just being like
arielrosesays: hey did you know...
arielrosesays: and id be like
arielrosesays: dude i wish john liked me
PigeonboyK: ahaha
PigeonboyK: I do too, or he'll kill me
arielrosesays: actually did you hear about noah
arielrosesays: he killed all of his friends and family to impress alexis
arielrosesays: needless to say, he got laid
PigeonboyK (9:26:24 PM): NICE!
arielrosesays: and the end of it said like
arielrosesays: "john wanted to impress his girlfriend, so he killed a family of 5"PigeonboyK: she must have been so impressed
arielrosesays: and i was laughing really hard cause i imagined someone saying that out of context
arielrosesays: just being like
arielrosesays: hey did you know...
arielrosesays: and id be like
arielrosesays: dude i wish john liked me
PigeonboyK: ahaha
PigeonboyK: I do too, or he'll kill me
arielrosesays: actually did you hear about noah
arielrosesays: he killed all of his friends and family to impress alexis
arielrosesays: needless to say, he got laid
PigeonboyK (9:26:24 PM): NICE!
why does the mofuckin' "media" insist on making everything so dramatic to scare the shit out of errbody. i would kill a family of 5 for my girl
Sunday, September 21, 2008
man oh man oh boy oh boy
so i was at the mall today and i stumbled upon a store called Heritage 1989
if you dont know what it is, it seems to be some sort of store whose clothing line is completely based on the style of 80's prep, sort of like vintage-y things, and the prices were faaaantastic
i was in heaven, but moneyless.
so i vow to save up 200 dollars and go wild there
whose on board?
if you dont know what it is, it seems to be some sort of store whose clothing line is completely based on the style of 80's prep, sort of like vintage-y things, and the prices were faaaantastic
i was in heaven, but moneyless.
so i vow to save up 200 dollars and go wild there
whose on board?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i wasnt sad today. wasnt happy, but i was just fine.
then i was looking thru the post secrets and found this

im not sure why, but i got all teary and cried a little. i cant quite figure out what it is... its just so sad to me.
then i was looking thru the post secrets and found this

im not sure why, but i got all teary and cried a little. i cant quite figure out what it is... its just so sad to me.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
tis tis tis the past and the past for good
i think about the people that used to threaten me (not literally, like i was intimidated by them)
and im not intimidated by them at all anymore. i realize how stupid it was for them to make me sad and angry...
so i will use that thought as a motive to get over it(GIRL!)
uhm and ill go cheerlead some more.. oh wait, haha
i still have you and thats the end of that.
back to geometry and laughing
plus im sick of someone else having control of my thoughts/ life
i need to quit myspace- im more addicted to that than ciggarettes... really
and im not intimidated by them at all anymore. i realize how stupid it was for them to make me sad and angry...
so i will use that thought as a motive to get over it(GIRL!)
uhm and ill go cheerlead some more.. oh wait, haha
i still have you and thats the end of that.
back to geometry and laughing
plus im sick of someone else having control of my thoughts/ life
i need to quit myspace- im more addicted to that than ciggarettes... really
Thursday, September 11, 2008
this season
is all about sore throats and miserable afternoons!
arielrosesays (8:21:09 PM): aka. hi im gay
PigeonboyK (8:21:20 PM): hi gay! I'm steve
who'd have known cleverness could provide such happiness!?
fast forward in this video to 7minutes and 33 seconds
thats right im in a school video. rad
talk about memories of 9/11 !
- ariel the insensitive bitch
im unpatriotic if there ever was an unpatriotic chica..
but always to offer support... lovely sir kyle
arielrosesays (8:21:09 PM): aka. hi im gay
PigeonboyK (8:21:20 PM): hi gay! I'm steve
who'd have known cleverness could provide such happiness!?
fast forward in this video to 7minutes and 33 seconds
thats right im in a school video. rad
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Cheer-Up List
this is a list of videos and things that make me smile, for whatever reason:

I'll add more meebe

I'll add more meebe
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Just an apology.
I've been posting depressing entries lately because me and my boyfriend brokeup.
He isn't bad person and we are going to stay good friends, like we always do after we breakup haha.
But I already feel better. I'm always really upset for two days, and then I slowly recover. If you have been around me and couldn't tell, its because it happened the friday before labor day, so i had time to recover.
I will be okay i promise :)
all of my friends are making me feel really good too.
I got the new rebel xsi for my birthday, because there was a one day sale (i got it early obviously and i couldnt wait to open it)
my stomach has been hurting alot.
I wish i could vote so i could slap McCain in the face. I dont have a problem with anyone republican, except for the people on TV who make me nauseas.
so i hope this blog cleared whatever up for you (cough madador)
have a nice night (:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
so here goes nothing...
a couple minutes ago I was thinking how I'm not ready for this year, and I'm scared for it.
But I think I will change my own mindset. I hate that inspirational shit, like, "You can do anything!" (because you can't do ANYTHING, you're human).
With that said, I am changing it up. Sure, I don't know what is going to happen within this next year. I could lose so much, and gain so much, but I've decided that no matter what, I promise to myself that I will be ready. Maybe this means I will be more standoffish, or less trustworthy, but I am going to take whatever bad shit happens and move on and know that in a month I will be over it. So I'm diving into this year fuckin' head on. Nothing is more important, in the long run, than me feeling good and real, so fuck anyone who is going to try and bring me down this year, 'cause I won't take it. And I am damn serious. This isn't like me, I know, but when something gets me down I can look back at this and keep my head up. I know that I have friends who think I am a good person, and who will always be there for me. I'm good. I'm going to make it out of this year...
so here goes nothing.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
End of Summer Glory
okay. you guys BETTER appreciate this blog cause it took me so long to arrange the pictures. anyone who uses blogger knows what im sayin'...
anyway, i have to say that this was definitely the best weekend of this summer. which is weird cause its also the last, but at least i know i ended it well (!)
on friday i wokeup in my bed with maddy and anna in the other room. my mom told me we were going to try to get tickets to outside lands. so i got maddy and anna up and out and got dressed, put on some doc martens and was outta there. me and my mom took bart to san francisco and had a very long and interesting bus ride. old ladies are interesting, thats all im gonna saya bout that. we finally got there and there was NO one in line for tickets. so we got our tickets. 95$ paid for it myself, and we got in a surprisingly short line after going to the bathroom.
we got in and headed toward the main stage. people was runnin for that shit yaknow?
we got our seats. we were there super early, like 1. first band started at 5, haha. sooooo we setup camp
MOM fasho
i sat down n chilled during steel pulse the reggae vibrations were intensity in the city.
met up with my lady of course
we saw cold war kids. i loved it cause they all looked homeless for the most part. oooh they were fantastic and lovely
then beck decided to showup. late, by the way. but he was gnarlawesome.
mistuh beck again with his awesome band
fences were torn down.
and then i saw radiohead.
i say i loved it
yeah i was far away from the stage.goes without saying we didnt get to stand where we originally intended cause my mom got trampled ;(
after that awesome show the atmosphere was pure smoke...
just a few people.. you kno
so tired on bart. i got NUTS
was lovely. basically chilled with mariam watchin plastic surgery shows. yayy.
went to sf at like 7 o clock.
went to this kid ben's house who i dont know but was uber awesome. max lived there too. it was cool people. i was tired and i kept passing out but i snuck a picture. that was a fun night fasho
wokeup in a pink camo sleeping bag on a couch
fire escape from the windowww
i booked it right quick to get home and wandered around that area in SF for awhile
got a delish sammich from staaahbucks/
turkey pesto baguette... chyeah!!!
ah and the cherry on top of the weekend was spending time with my other half.
who doesnt love that roight?
ahhhlirhght now im ready for school. chyeah right.
but ima go see if i can get summa dat pasta from my dad he just made and ill try to watch somethin on TEEVEE.
school starts in like 2 or 3 days
enjoy the resta yaaa'aals summers!
p.s. read these. i cant stop listnin to this song (land locked blues by bright eyes)
and laura's asleep in my bed
as I'm leaving she wakes up and says
"I dreamed you were carried away on the crest of a wave
baby don't go away, come here"
and there's kids playing guns in the street
and one's pointing his tree branch at me
So I put my hands up I say:
"Enough is enough,
If you walk away I walk away."
(and he shot me dead)
I found a liquid cure
for my landlocked blues
it will pass away
like a slow parade
it's leaving but I don't know how soon
and the world's got me dizzy again
you'd think after 22 years I'd be used to the spin
and it only feels worse when I stay in one place
so I'm always pacing around or walking away
I keep drinking the ink from my pen
and I'm balancing history books up on my head
but it all boils down to one quotable phrase
"If you love something give it away"
A good woman will pick you apart
a box full of suggestions for your possible heart
But you may be offended, and you may be afraid
but don't walk away, don't walk away
We made love on the living room floor
with the noise in the background from a televised war
And in the deafening pleasure I thought I heard someone say
"If we walk away,they’ll walk away"
But greed is a bottomless pit
And our freedom's a joke we're just taking a piss
And the whole world must watch the sad comic display
If you're still free start runnin' away
'cause we're comin' for ya!
I've grown tired of holding this pose
I feel more like a stranger each time I come home
So I'm making a deal with the devils of fame
Sayin' let me walk away, please
You'll be free child once you have died
from the shackles of language and measurable time
And then we can trade places, play musical graves
till then walk away walk away walk away walk away
So I'm up at dawn, putting on my shoes
I just want to make a clean escape
I'm leaving but I don't know where to
I know I'm leaving but I don't know where to
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
my school schedule
english 3 honrs/disher
geometry/howard (yes i am mathematically retarded)
US history/smith
Art 1/carbone (thank jesus)
adv drama/meehan
off campus 7
i cant say im excited to go back to school, wait, yes i can!
i am super excited.. i cannot lie.
i love having a schedule and knowing what im doing and having work and i love fucking DRAMA and im so damn excited for art1
meow mewowjoad :)
no one else
i dont think i have any classes wth anyone i love
oh well
geometry/howard (yes i am mathematically retarded)
US history/smith
Art 1/carbone (thank jesus)
adv drama/meehan
off campus 7
i cant say im excited to go back to school, wait, yes i can!
i am super excited.. i cannot lie.
i love having a schedule and knowing what im doing and having work and i love fucking DRAMA and im so damn excited for art1
meow mewowjoad :)
no one else
i dont think i have any classes wth anyone i love
oh well
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Testing, 1..2..
I'm posting this as a test from my iPhone and just hoping it works. If you're reading this you should read my previous post( if you haven't yet ). Soooo I don't feel too good. Disneyland tomorrow, and I'm excited for that!
Friday, August 15, 2008
hey dad
i dont want to make this a huge deal or anything, i just need to vent a little.
my dad isnt physically abusive and im really thankful for that.
but he likes to , i cant think of the word, make people feel small, like, fucking i dont know.
any mistake he goes on and on and on and on and on and i end up crying and my mom ends up feeling like shit. i know she must feel like shit, just hearing him talk to her makes me feel belittled. maybe thats the word i was looking for.
he lieks to make me feel so fucking stupid. he thinks he is this great person and a role model but he is the biggest asshole i know. he just wants me to feel like an idiot. he thinks that i am going to learn that way. but its not just learning, its so emotionally scarring to me. he just says shit like
"thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard!"
all i fucking did was buy a cheap camera with a fisheye lens. give me a fucking break dad.
he wont leave me alone.
then he goes on to yell at my mom for accepting donations for this even we do in december.
hes an idiot. i do not respect him at all.
i dont, i dont, i dont. he wont ever realize what he does to me.
he makes me feel like the stupidest most worthless person on the face of the earth.
but i guess the worst things inspire some good things. not like this is good. well, it isnt bad i guess...
my dad isnt physically abusive and im really thankful for that.
but he likes to , i cant think of the word, make people feel small, like, fucking i dont know.
any mistake he goes on and on and on and on and on and i end up crying and my mom ends up feeling like shit. i know she must feel like shit, just hearing him talk to her makes me feel belittled. maybe thats the word i was looking for.
he lieks to make me feel so fucking stupid. he thinks he is this great person and a role model but he is the biggest asshole i know. he just wants me to feel like an idiot. he thinks that i am going to learn that way. but its not just learning, its so emotionally scarring to me. he just says shit like
"thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard!"
all i fucking did was buy a cheap camera with a fisheye lens. give me a fucking break dad.
he wont leave me alone.
then he goes on to yell at my mom for accepting donations for this even we do in december.
hes an idiot. i do not respect him at all.
i dont, i dont, i dont. he wont ever realize what he does to me.
he makes me feel like the stupidest most worthless person on the face of the earth.
but i guess the worst things inspire some good things. not like this is good. well, it isnt bad i guess...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So i discovered a YouTube user named LittleLoca. Basically an 18 year old cholita living in east los angeles.
well i watched her first video and immediately thought that this must be a character someone made up. but i watched more of her videos.
after concluding that it was horrible and must be fake... i typed in "is littleloca real?"
and i found a video in it with the girl who plays little loca. now i dont really care that someone makes characters and plays them, but she said basically... anyone who doesnt like me playin littleloca, FUCK OFF.
again i dont care that she does it. the only thing i dont like is that the character is horribly done. it sounds like she was trying to sound hispanic, but her accent was horrible. it was just completely unbelievable.
and she used no spanish when she was talking ever. i have been around alot of hispanics because of where my dad works and usually i will here them say a spanish word here and there. well i was waiting for this "cholita" to say anything in spanish, but that never happened. and, for god sake, she says homegirl every other sentence.
well... moral of the story is... if youre going to try and be an actress, at least do a decent character.
guck but i cant stop watching anyway
well i watched her first video and immediately thought that this must be a character someone made up. but i watched more of her videos.
after concluding that it was horrible and must be fake... i typed in "is littleloca real?"
and i found a video in it with the girl who plays little loca. now i dont really care that someone makes characters and plays them, but she said basically... anyone who doesnt like me playin littleloca, FUCK OFF.
again i dont care that she does it. the only thing i dont like is that the character is horribly done. it sounds like she was trying to sound hispanic, but her accent was horrible. it was just completely unbelievable.
and she used no spanish when she was talking ever. i have been around alot of hispanics because of where my dad works and usually i will here them say a spanish word here and there. well i was waiting for this "cholita" to say anything in spanish, but that never happened. and, for god sake, she says homegirl every other sentence.
well... moral of the story is... if youre going to try and be an actress, at least do a decent character.
guck but i cant stop watching anyway
i wish that i lived in the pioneer days.

lets brave this frontier like no otha motha fucka
and this came up when i typed pioneers

so uhHHHH that concludes this post...
it seems like it wouldve been so excited
and no one was an arrogant asshole about anything but trading

lets brave this frontier like no otha motha fucka
and this came up when i typed pioneers

so uhHHHH that concludes this post...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
burn down the walls in front of everyone so they see you and me dancing in our sleeping clothes with two big smiles and a bowl of hope
On the agenda for today's post
-new poll
alright alright. i cut mariams hair but of course iphone isnt quite in the mood to upload pictures. maybe in a little bit.... got my iphone to upload... here are before and after picturesssssss
-new poll
alright alright. i cut mariams hair but of course iphone isnt quite in the mood to upload pictures. maybe in a little bit.... got my iphone to upload... here are before and after picturesssssss


i just finished an ice cream sandwich mmmm.
first today i went to buffalo exchange to sell and buy clothes. well to make a long story short i sold nothing. nada.
but i still bought two new dresses and a pair of jeans >.< (does that face apply here) i am stuck on clothing from another culture or era. i feel like this one is fifties. or maybe farmer girl? in any event...
if you look closely you can see hammich in my collar (:

that lump in my back is mr ham sandwich. he likes the dress. which i guess is a good thing!
yep yep
dont get mad at me!
i just finished an ice cream sandwich mmmm.
first today i went to buffalo exchange to sell and buy clothes. well to make a long story short i sold nothing. nada.
but i still bought two new dresses and a pair of jeans >.< (does that face apply here) i am stuck on clothing from another culture or era. i feel like this one is fifties. or maybe farmer girl? in any event...

i like this picture most ^^^^^

also i am really bipolar with my music right now. usually i hate when people use that word to refer to something other than the mental illness but thats the only way i can describe it. im listening to really sad songs that make me want to cry, and then i switch over to the happiest darn stuff ive ever heard. but its all her space holiday. i cant get away from mark bianchi and his lovely lovely face voice box.
i have a new poll! definitely fill that out! i thought definitely was spell definately... but oh well >:0
today i went to an A's game to face paint for some kids fest they do once in awhile. i have done it before but jsut once and it was nothing special. but i got 150 dollars for three hours !
apparently me and my mom did so good they want us to facepaint every single time! thats pretty amazing. im not that good at facepainting or anything...
mm pizza pockets and ice cream sammiches galore.
i want to see the movie spinal tap. grrrah
im really excited to go back to schooooooool. i miss having a routine.
btw if my life were a movie..
mariam would be halle berry
i would be angelina jolie hahahahaha yah right! no but uhm angelina jolie in girl, interrupted. so hawt
and jake would beeeeeeeeee zach braff.
i have no idea what im talking about
i love my life right now. disneyland in two days!!!!!
what awhwhrahr!
thats all for now! bye bye bye byebyebyebeybe
p.s. i wish i could do an advice column but no one would ever trust my advice :(
but i kinda have good advice
if you have any idea how i could do that... send me a myspace mssage or soemthing.
love you all bye.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
snip snip cut
alright so today im going to cut my good friend mariam's hair.
i shall take a before photo and an after photo.
it should turn out pretty good and maybe more people will trust me to cut their hair ;)
check back later- i will post when it is updated!
also, while im here, ill say that i have some ideas for songs and hopefully i get in gear and write some new stuff. look forward to it!
i shall take a before photo and an after photo.
it should turn out pretty good and maybe more people will trust me to cut their hair ;)
check back later- i will post when it is updated!
also, while im here, ill say that i have some ideas for songs and hopefully i get in gear and write some new stuff. look forward to it!
new design and a dream
yeah so i had this new design of my blog. i realized that this is the only template for me!
this weekend will hold...

haha, yeah, disneyland. me, my parents, and jake. it will be as interesting as it will be fun I'm thinking. I cant stop listening to her space holiday. check him out on myspace or something. he makes amazing music.
my dream last night was something funky... i shall recall it in segments
(1) I'm at Jake's house meeting his mom for the first time. i had met his dad before, and he is awesome, just like he is in real life, but for some reason i hadn't met his mom. when i did meet his mom, it was this blonde lady who was super christian and kept criticizing me on everything i was doing and saying that it was unchristian to cross my legs. of course i wanted to impress her cause she was my boyfriend's mom, but i was so confused as to how such a cool dad could marry such a crazy mom.
for the record, in real life, i love his mom and his dad. they're incredibly nice and funny and i love seeing them when i go over to jake's
(2) there was a girl making fun of me who was also blonde and very not nice to me at all. she was always looking at me and laughing and teasing me. so finally i went up to her and said something like... if you really have something to say to me why don't you say it to my face instead of to all your friends and be a man about it.
she got really upset or something. but everyone started cheering me on... so that was cool...
(3)so this part is a little weird. it involves someone i know in real life but I'm not going to name them. i will call him john for the sake of storytelling. er, dream-telling. so in my dream, john was very forward and he hit on me a lot. and was very physical. not harmful to me just weirdly physical. so finally when he was acting up, i hit john and he got hurt. then he said he was going to tell on me to his dad. so next thing i know, I'm looking at this makeup stand with glitter makeup or something... then i get a phone call from john's dad who sounds vewwy angwy. after yelling at me for hurting his precious son, i tell him that his son molested me... or something. that was a weird segment.
by the way if anyone wants to comment on how many times i say 'something' in this blog... go for it!
hm so that is all i remember right now, i may add another segment if i remember.
also last night i was looking in on scientology and seeing why everyone hates it so much. it was weird. i went to and its a bunch of stuff about living like a better person. nothing about the thetons. (if you dont know what a theton is- its the evil alien soul trapped in all of our bodies that xenu put into us.. yes that is what scientologists believe).
i mean.. its all fun and games until someone gets killed because they couldnt audit their thetons. holy guacamole. scientology is very disturbing. they deem people Fair Game. aka leaders grant any scientologist the permission to harm any one enemy. aka one who is combatting scientology. i would be scared to even challenge them because they seem to be ruthless people who want your money. despite what that south park episode portrays them to be... not that i dont love south park.
this is all too much information for one blog!
anyways. ima put some links for my favorite webcomics up and you should check em out. also i will post blogs i like from other people.
dont forget! do that poll i have in the sidebar!
have a jolly day everyone ;)
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