Thursday, July 31, 2008

summer in the city

i'm so lonely, lonely, lonely...


i wish. i wish i was boring, not really. i'm trying to deal with being myself. it's weird how hard that is...

sweet jaaaaaaaaaane

Monday, July 28, 2008

PigeonboyK: my grandma came over today from what I heard
arielrosesays: didnt you experience her?

sometimes i just get the feeling i'm just not the type of girl that is destined to be picked first for anything.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

those days

when i see other people; and when i see how great they are i wonder how anyone could choose me over anyone else... 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

get used to it.

get used to the fact that people are going to think you cheated on them, and will always think youre a liar, and will never believe you.
get used to the fact that words will get thrown around that arent real, and some are but theyre twisted, and people are going to think of you different.
get used to the fact that people dont like you.
get used to the fact that some people are going to want you dead because of something you didnt even do.
get used to it, people have been through way more than you.
youre going to grow up faster this way.
get used to it

... i will


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dont know what day i think its day 11 or something but we aregoing HOME TOMORROWWWW. and thank jesus cause i miss home :(((((((

I LOVE YOU i need a nap. thanks for loving me NEW JERSEeyyyyyyyyyyyyy but i gotta go

Friday, July 18, 2008

the hate posts

i have decided that i waste waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too much energy on hate. so whenever something comes up that i usually waste a bunch of energy talking shit about and complaining i will put it in here, exactly how i feel, and then post it, and never talk about how much i hate that thing again.
im hoping to make my life a lot less hateful and much nicer.

1: this girl. you may know her. i despise her becuase she laughs like a hyena and she is ridiculously obnoxious. she stole my lover in 6th grade and i have held a grudge against her since. it bothers me how so many people think she is hot and i hate how much makeup she wears and i just fucking wish she didnt wear so much makeup!!!1!!!!1 and that reallybothers me. everytime i see her myspace or see her i get so mad and everything. im putting all that to rest. i waste too much time hating her. i wont start liking her, but i will stop making a big deal about her whenever she comes up in conversation.

2: girls who think being bisexual is a very big deal and the song "i kissed a girl and i liked it".
okay; if you have always been straight and all the sudden realize you like boys AND girls- that is a big deal, i know. but i hate the fact that a bunch of girls parade around saying that theyre bisexual. and that song is like the anthem for those girls. i dont care that you kissed a girl. i kissed a damn girl too, like 34395 times. so shut up because everyone loves everyone and it doesnt matter your gender. ESPECIALLY IF YOURE DRUNK. youre just drunk. go home. or go kiss girls but dont announce it to the world. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
okay so i MIGHT bring this up again. but its a very popular topic. SO im sorry.

thats it for now. you'll see more of these.

day 9

didnt do shit today. literally. we just slept til five.

but we DID rent lars and the real girl and garden state. and now im talking to jake and we are watching "women behind bars"

kkkbye! chuck-e-cheez tmrrow.uhhhhhhh

day eight?

this is late cause i got a gnar sunburn and didnt want to post last night haha. basically we went to the boardwalk and that was interesting or something

had to dig myself a hole, andcrawl inside.

yeah i dont knooooooooooow mariam really liked my hair like thees. it was all messy and ocean-y

thats me vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

my cousin doing somehting?

we went into an aquarium- fish fish

shark thing?



seals - most depressing thing of my life

blue lobster!

we went into a fun house and i was reallynervous cause they had a maze of mirrors or whatever but it wasnt that bad at all. twas kinda funny.

there was a glowing sloth in the fun house

uh some pictures of me, yeh.

minigolf minigolf. i won teehee!

just some guy i met on the golf course. no big thing.

UHM then we saaw fireworks.

thats prettym uch it im gonna go get some cereal orlie down cause im really sore for some odd reason. maybe cause i swam somuch. gawd im so buff. its chill im ripped.

kkkkkkbye !

p.s. i guess we are going to ANOTHER boardwalk today- ugh.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

lifes a ...

beach today

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

day seven i guess.

i really dont feel like blogging. all we did todayw as go to the beach at night and we got all sandy and miserable and then we showered and its late and we have to get up early tomorrow for more beach. i dont feel like it.

i dont feel good.
i want to go home now.

love you

thank you

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

day six! six six six six six!

am still singing RENT songs :). you dont even know how much i loved the musical and yum!!! i posted all of the pictures from today on here, but i wont write much cause i am so worn out.
basically we got some breakfast and shopped in the greatest store of my life.
uhm then we went into the city and ate some food and shopped more then saw rent at 8 then back here. meow, i got a shirt.
statue of libertine. just kidding liberteh.liberty,
teehee sillypicture??????????

the car ride into NYC is like an hour... we get bored.

ah yeah and i got some pictures of times square for ya'llz.

my mom was very amazed.... serisouly.

RENT teehee!
hahahah thats where TRL is filmed right thurr vvv.,
"i love my babe ariel" -glam
haha we got insane on the way back. mariam and you can spot my cousin sleeping. we fixed his neck dont worry.

I. i i i i isisiisaisidad asdafjahf!
we dont get to watch lockupRAW tonight. very upset i will tell you.
yay sleeping in tomorrow (finally)
so! so1
i didnt really feel like posting but i knew i wouldnt want to post double tomorrow and i felt oblgiated to tell you aboot rent and suchh....\
so sorry this post was lame and now img onna go watch stuff with marey-uhm.


Monday, July 14, 2008

(DAY 5)five. five dollar. five dollar foot longgggggggg.

didnt do muchhhhhhhh today, but i took a bunch of pictures just for blogging purposes :) so prettty much i held the chicken again, haha.
i scraped my elbow :(((( that sucked alot
mariam was napping. she sleeps covering her temples. silly betch

ohhhhhh rascal the little doggie doggggggggg.
onnnn crack!

then we went to dinner in this yummy thai place with my parents friends who thought i was insane. sorry mary for poking your temples
motherrrr ,.,.,., you are me but older...
i got these glasses at a thrift store, i finally took them off, i'm obsessed... literally. i have always wanted to be a nerd.

thai food yah

AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE... all of my friends at diinner.
she was so ready for the food. yyeeeeeeps
me and bafroom pictures, never ends...

all of them had the same face... i was slightly disturbed
huzzah!!! my bag and glasses= all of my wordly posessions.
we also saw a movie afterwards called "when did you last see your father" and it was really depressing cause it was all real and stuff, but it was so goooood.
then we came home n stuff. on the ride home we discussed Boobah.
now we are watching more LOCKUPraw!
i hope we have it back home. haha. im a little obsessed. a wee bit.
sorry today was so uneventful. tomorrow we are seeing RENT on broadwayyyyyyyyy!!! so that means more new york city for meeeeeeee! hopefully we get to go to central park and strawberry fieeldds forever!!!
okeee and tomorrow i willlllllll have pictures of new york and not just me in a bathroom... I PROMISEEEEEEEE.
i have so much reading to do but im just going towatch lockup raw. okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey dokey
adios luv