Friday, November 26, 2010

Google search: the most ridiculous shoes ever

I'm very upset that these one's showed up. Okay, the green color is pretty awful, and it looks
like its made out of croc material, but other than that I actually sort of like them. If they were not croc material and red instead of green, I would most definitely wear these.
yes, these ones are pretty silly, but they're for biking, not fashion! I just enjoy that they showed up multiple times in my search because where I go to school I see at least 5 people per day wearing these...
I like these because they remind me of something that Shania Twain would wear while performing at the Superbowl Half-time Show

I shall end there, short and sweet. I got distracted and ended up reading someone's political blog who seems to be determined on convincing the world that Obama is a n00b(his words not mine), so now I'm rather frustrated and upset. Oh well!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Okay I'll do this post now

but only because I am in the airport and haven't a thing better to do.

was very happy with this one. enjoyed wearing it all the day long! hurmmmm
shirts - dont remember, top skirt- thrifted, bottom skirt- nordstroms
thrifted doc martens and tights from UO

lipstick by limecrime. i have 4 different colors and they make me so happy.
i am dangerous with spray bleach cleaner y'all

this was my outfit for my day of travels, 5 hour drive from college home to hometown home.

shirt- thrifted, dress- UO,
i have never worn this dress before because the top half is awkward, but I covered it and alas it was perfect. the dress and the collar/sleeves of the shirt are identical shades of red. worked out quite nicely.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So I don't usually ever stay up this late. I was in bed and ready to passout at 10pm. And then I realized I was so far from sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes closed so I got up and completely cleaned my room for about an hour and put away so much laundry and hung up some pictures and chose what I'm going to wear tomorrow and now everything is okay and I can sleep after I post this. maybe.

The outfit I wore today (yesterday) was inspired by, or completely stolen from,
specifically from this post. <- click click please. anywho, I saw her goth jams post with the long skirt and crop shirt and I got so excited. I couldn't help myself.
shirt- chabot space and science center (cropped by myself)
you can't see very well but my shirt has two stick figures on it, both of them holding up signs. one sign says "space!" and the other says "go space! go space!"
so apropos for studying for my cosmology exam .
jacket- forever 21, like 6 years ago. seriously, I think I got this when I was 13.
skirt- thrifteeeeeeed
I always have to wear leggings with this skirt because its more or less transparent. those ones from target. and good ol' converse.
Awkward pictures as usual until I figure out a way to take less awkward pictures. probably not happening anytime soon.

I think I would like tights/leggings better if they were just called Leggin's, or leggins. So snappy.
So I think I'm pretty excited about tomorrow's ensemble, which is not a complete rip-off of someone else's outfit.

(for the rest of this post I have color coded my thoughts so that you may understand the workings of my mind. Change in color means a change in thought coherence/process)

And tomorrows physics test!
Oh and I get to GO HOME on FRIDAAAAAY so thats technically TOMROROWOTOWO>
. no im not even that excited.
just kidding. I don't think I can wait any longerrrrrrrrr.
this is getting heinous because of the time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hair coloring adventures!

yes! My MASTERPIECE, in my opinion !
This is the result, after three trips to CVS and super epic intense bleaching of her entire head.

Sigh, I am so proud. I also cut her bangs and will probably give her a haircut at some point in the future.

(theres another girl in the background of this picture to the right of the mermaid, but blogger always cuts off my pictures >:[ .... )

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

simple sleepy

such a hairdye adventure tonight!
so tired

[someone elses hair not mine!]

Monday, November 15, 2010

courtesy of

oh my goodness and ooh lala. I am focusing on what seems to be a pair of cargo pants ripped up and pulled over her skirt. Intriguing. I cannot seem to grasp why I like it so much.
any ideas?

Sorry I'm not home right now, I'm walkin' in your...

I live in Humboldt, and most the time its pretty darn cold here, which makes it difficult to wear anything besides jeans and a ski jacket.
However I shall attempt to overcome this ridiculosity because I love rain and I love the cold. okay.

oh yeah and there really is no way for me to take a decent picture of this outfit, (and every other outfit) because I live in a god damn shoe. Not literally. My room is just small.
Tights- urban outfitters, socks- juicy
doc martens- thrifted
i really wanted to wear my doc martens today because I watched Tank Girl last night. If you don't know what that is, then go watch it because it is pure awesome.
skirt- h&m
petticoat- thrifted
shirt- american apparel
I showered before bed last night so I slept on it wet, which basically means that when I woke up it was an afro of curls sticking straight up. I didn't feel like doing much to it so I just put a ribbon on my ponytail and clipped some bangs back. Why not? Am i right ladies?

Oh and speaking of Tank Girl (we were speaking of her earlier in this post), Rebecca's boyfriend in the beginning of the movie wears a black shirt that has been cut up to look like a spider web on top of a white shirt. I decided I'm going to attempt to make that.
I typed in spiderweb shirt on google and that came up, which is pretty much it. I think I'm going to make it so the whole shirt is like that though, and then I would wear it on top of something else because I ain't no hoe.
Or perhaps I will just make that beauty. Insidious clothing, you've done it again. Another masterpiece for my closet. But maybe if I buy it the necklace is included? just kidding. just kidding.just kidding. just kidding. just kidding.
I wish sarcasm read over the internet, then I wouldn't have to say just kidding in a variety of font sizes to make my point clear.
oh well okay if I finish my physics homework today then maybe I'll have time to begin the spiderweb shirt, other wise I will do it tomorrow.
