Tuesday, August 12, 2008

new design and a dream

yeah so i had this new design of my blog. i realized that this is the only template for me! 
this weekend will hold...

haha, yeah, disneyland. me, my parents, and jake. it will be as interesting as it will be fun I'm thinking.  I cant stop listening to her space holiday. check him out on myspace or something. he makes amazing music. 

my dream last night was something funky... i shall recall it in segments
(1) I'm at Jake's house meeting his mom for the first time. i had met his dad before, and he is awesome, just like he is in real life, but for some reason i hadn't met his mom. when i did meet his mom, it was this blonde lady who was super christian and kept criticizing me on everything i was doing and saying that it was unchristian to cross my legs. of course i wanted to impress her cause she was my boyfriend's mom, but i was so confused as to how such a cool dad could marry such a crazy mom. 
for the record, in real life, i love his mom and his dad. they're incredibly nice and funny and i love seeing them when i go over to jake's
(2) there was a girl making fun of me who was also blonde and very not nice to me at all. she was always looking at me and laughing and teasing me. so finally i went up to her and said something like... if you really have something to say to me why don't you say it to my face instead of to all your friends and be a man about it.
she got really upset or something. but everyone started cheering me on... so that was cool...
(3)so this part is a little weird. it involves someone i know in real life but I'm not going to name them. i will call him john for the sake of storytelling. er, dream-telling. so in my dream, john was very forward and he hit on me a lot. and was very physical. not harmful to me just weirdly physical. so finally when he was acting up, i hit john and he got hurt. then he said he was going to tell on me to his dad. so next thing i know, I'm looking at this makeup stand with glitter makeup or something... then i get a phone call from john's dad who sounds vewwy angwy. after yelling at me for hurting his precious son, i tell him that his son molested me... or something. that was a weird segment. 

by the way if anyone wants to comment on how many times i say 'something' in this blog... go for it!
hm so that is all i remember right now, i may add another segment if i remember.

also last night i was looking in on scientology and seeing why everyone hates it so much. it was weird. i went to http://www.scientology.com and its a bunch of stuff about living like a better person. nothing about the thetons. (if you dont know what a theton is- its the evil alien soul trapped in all of our bodies that xenu put into us.. yes that is what scientologists believe).
i mean.. its all fun and games until someone gets killed because they couldnt audit their thetons. holy guacamole. scientology is very disturbing. they deem people Fair Game. aka leaders grant any scientologist the permission to harm any one enemy. aka one who is combatting scientology. i would be scared to even challenge them because they seem to be ruthless people who want your money. despite what that south park episode portrays them to be... not that i dont love south park.

this is all too much information for one blog!
anyways. ima put some links for my favorite webcomics up and you should check em out. also i will post blogs i like from other people. 

dont forget! do that poll i have in the sidebar!
have a jolly day everyone ;)


Aaron said...
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Aaron said...

You have some gnarly dreams dude. thanks for droppin that knowledge on scientology though i didnt know about that shit, wtf though like they called Dan s house one time. her space holiday is wierd but rad, key stroke all day.

Aaron said...

i left two cuz i put dans last name in the first one then i tripped out and thought the scientologists were gonna come after him and shit.