todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! was a glorious day! but we had to wake up at 9:50 which is like 6:50 back home... and we arent really adjusted to the time yet so it was still lame. so i will start you all off( the two people who read this blog...) with a picture of my being tired an obnoxious cause i was tired. but i was happy becuase i like that shirt and jacket c:

then those nut things were very nicely somehow perfectly in betweeb my feet on the trampoline???? i was amazed but everyone else was not really...

then i did the jumping, yeah yeah no one cares.

OH AND THENNNNNNNNN we went to white castle :) after a long drive to NYC that isssssz. my uncle drives this huge pathfinder thing and for some reason everything just shakes in it so my teeth were like rattling. anyway so we ate at white castle which was delish. this guy was in there eating people's food scraps and having a conversation with himself but instead of words it was "mmmm" so basically "mmmm.." "mm?" "mmmmmMMMmmmm" "mmhmm" ""
and i couldnt take it.

oh the hamburgersz. yumyumyum. i had 3 and some dumb energy drink

ugh then me and mariam and my family went to this fanfest thing in this big place.. which sucked a buttload. mariam took a picture with an oversized 2 year old though. oh those rosy cheeks... I SWOON. highlight of that part of the day...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay NOW the day gets good. we went to little italy and seriously had THE BEST lunch i have EVER had. i felt sick but i still ate like 2 pieces of pizza and soooo muchhhh garlic bread. unfortunately some cheese fell into my water somehow and so i got some more water. mmmmmmmmmmmmm my god you dont even know im creaming my panties just thinking about that pizza place...

okayyyyyyyyyyyyy then it just got better. i got 2 designer purses for like 60 bucks. it wasnt illegal at all. ......... .. . .. . basically we went to this store and went to the back room up some stairs into this sketchy place where they had all these cute AS FUCK bags. i now have two chanel bags and i lub it. THENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! we got some shirts and mariam got a lighter+flask haha.
afterwards we went to time square.. and i seriously DID NOT WANT TO LEAVEEEEEE. it was the most amazing thing of my life. the whole place was jsut breathing and living and everything moved. we went to the virgin mobile megastore. i think its virgin mobile at least. i got a neeon skirt.. a boombox bag with speakers for 40 dollars. so i am happy. and i got a shirt for jake (jake if youre reading this, i wish you were hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<3)
then we left and i was sad and didnt cry but was still sad.
then i took some pictures in a WAWA bathroom. and stuff. i likem so whatever.

favorite vvv

yeah so me and mariam got XL i<3NY tshirts and made them into dresses. bah

now we are watching something about teenagers getting arrested or soemthing.. iwant to watch
lockupRAW! BY the way my cousin has a crush on mariam.
ALSO sorry about no times square pictures... i forgot to use my fone i was too excited and took a BUNCH of other pictures on my cameraaaa. i wish i lived here in NY. mm<3
did i mention my cousin has a crush on mariam? yeah he gave her a hat. it has a bloody cross on it, i think that means he wants to die for her (i could be wrong?)
dun dun dun... tomorrow is day 4.
i think i leave on the 22nd, and today is the 13th. so ihave 10 more days? but that doesnt make sense cause i have already been here for 3 days.
off to watch some telly.
my profile song- which i love- say it aint so /by weezer.
p.s. miss you<3
updayt tomorrow.
1 comment:
ooh girl when you come back i feel a hair dying will attack like a mother. want to bring me back a jersey trinket and i'll get you some kind of japanese keychain OR SOME SHIT?
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