didnt do muchhhhhhhh today, but i took a bunch of pictures just for blogging purposes :) so prettty much i held the chicken again, haha.

i scraped my elbow :(((( that sucked alot

mariam was napping. she sleeps covering her temples. silly betch

ohhhhhh rascal the little doggie doggggggggg.

onnnn crack!

then we went to dinner in this yummy thai place with my parents friends who thought i was insane. sorry mary for poking your temples

motherrrr ,.,.,., you are me but older...

i got these glasses at a thrift store, i finally took them off, i'm obsessed... literally. i have always wanted to be a nerd.

thai food yah

AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE... all of my friends at diinner.

she was so ready for the food. yyeeeeeeps

me and bafroom pictures, never ends...

all of them had the same face... i was slightly disturbed

huzzah!!! my bag and glasses= all of my wordly posessions.

we also saw a movie afterwards called "when did you last see your father" and it was really depressing cause it was all real and stuff, but it was so goooood.
then we came home n stuff. on the ride home we discussed Boobah.
now we are watching more LOCKUP
i hope we have it back home. haha. im a little obsessed. a wee bit.
sorry today was so uneventful. tomorrow we are seeing RENT on broadwayyyyyyyyy!!! so that means more new york city for meeeeeeee! hopefully we get to go to central park and strawberry fieeldds forever!!!
okeee and tomorrow i willlllllll have pictures of new york and not just me in a bathroom... I PROMISEEEEEEEE.
i have so much reading to do but im just going towatch lockup raw. okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey dokey
adios luv
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