So I don't usually ever stay up this late. I was in bed and ready to passout at 10pm. And then I realized I was so far from sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes closed so I got up and completely cleaned my room for about an hour and put away so much laundry and hung up some pictures and chose what I'm going to wear tomorrow and now everything is okay and I can sleep after I post this. maybe.
The outfit I wore today (yesterday) was inspired by, or completely stolen from,
specifically from this post. <- click click please. anywho, I saw her goth jams post with the long skirt and crop shirt and I got so excited. I couldn't help myself.
The outfit I wore today (yesterday) was inspired by, or completely stolen from,
specifically from this post. <- click click please. anywho, I saw her goth jams post with the long skirt and crop shirt and I got so excited. I couldn't help myself.

shirt- chabot space and science center (cropped by myself)
you can't see very well but my shirt has two stick figures on it, both of them holding up signs. one sign says "space!" and the other says "go space! go space!"
so apropos for studying for my cosmology exam .

jacket- forever 21, like 6 years ago. seriously, I think I got this when I was 13.
skirt- thrifteeeeeeed
I always have to wear leggings with this skirt because its more or less transparent. those ones from target. and good ol' converse.

Awkward pictures as usual until I figure out a way to take less awkward pictures. probably not happening anytime soon.
I think I would like tights/leggings better if they were just called Leggin's, or leggins. So snappy.
So I think I'm pretty excited about tomorrow's ensemble, which is not a complete rip-off of someone else's outfit.
(for the rest of this post I have color coded my thoughts so that you may understand the workings of my mind. Change in color means a change in thought coherence/process)
And tomorrows physics test!
Oh and I get to GO HOME on FRIDAAAAAY so thats technically TOMROROWOTOWO>
. no im not even that excited.
just kidding. I don't think I can wait any longerrrrrrrrr.
this is getting heinous because of the time.
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