Friday, November 26, 2010

Google search: the most ridiculous shoes ever

I'm very upset that these one's showed up. Okay, the green color is pretty awful, and it looks
like its made out of croc material, but other than that I actually sort of like them. If they were not croc material and red instead of green, I would most definitely wear these.
yes, these ones are pretty silly, but they're for biking, not fashion! I just enjoy that they showed up multiple times in my search because where I go to school I see at least 5 people per day wearing these...
I like these because they remind me of something that Shania Twain would wear while performing at the Superbowl Half-time Show

I shall end there, short and sweet. I got distracted and ended up reading someone's political blog who seems to be determined on convincing the world that Obama is a n00b(his words not mine), so now I'm rather frustrated and upset. Oh well!

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